Submitting Author

Submit an Abstract
Abstracts are limited to 250 words. Please use this TEMPLATE found by clicking here for proper abstract formatting. Please save your file as a Microsoft Word document before submission.
Additional Info
Preferred Session: Abstract submitters are invited to indicate their preferred session. Session organizers will consider these preferences but may not be able to accommodate all submitters
Awards for best student presentation will be given for each of the academic research oral sessions and each of the poster sessions. See announcement for details.
Presenters in poster sessions will be provided a 4’ wide × 3’ high poster board and push pins. Presenters in oral sessions will be provided additional details from the session chairs. If you do not receive a confirmation email, it may have ended up in your spam folder. If not, please contact us!
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Conference Disclaimers

All Anachem participants and attendees must agree to the following:

As a condition of my participation in this meeting or event, I agree to abide by all local, state, and federal safety guidelines in place at the time of my attendance at 2024 Anachem Symposium.

As a condition of my participation in this meeting or event, I hereby waive any claim I may have against any and all liability for damage or injury that may arise from my participation or attendance at the program. I further understand and agree that all property rights in the material presented, including common law copyright, are expressly reserved to the presenter or speaker at the Anachem Symposium. I hereby assume responsibility for my own well-being.

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